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Simple way to improve and maintain iPhone Battery health,100% iPhone battery health.


How to maintain iPhone battery health

100 Percent iPhone Battery Health

Hi everyone Chaltrends here for iPhone Tech and I wanted to talk about battery health as I get questions about this every single day the battery heath that's within the battery on the iPhone where it gives you your maximum capacity and currently. 

I have iPhone and  it's at 100% and people are always asking me what I do to maintain that so well so there's a couple things and some people may or may not agree with me but I've done quite a bit of research on this from different websites such as Popular Mechanics and PC Magazine to things like battery university and other documents from professors as well. 

So what you'll find though is when you ask a battery expect some people say one thing some other people say another thing so I'll give you what what I do to maintain that battery health number. So the first thing you need to understand is batteries are in constant state of decay they decrease

How to improve and maintain iPhone battery health

size over time so unlike your vehicle's fuel it will always be ten gallons. 

But on iPhone or a battery that 10 gallons over a year may shrink down to nine gallons and then after two years could be eight gallons and over time it degrades enough to where it can't fuel the power needed from the iPhone. So that's what's happening with battery health and what that's actual measuring its full ability to hold the original capacity. 

Now Apple says that after 300 to 500 cycles you should be able to get about 80% of your original charge still so a cycle is when you Drain your battery from 100% down to zero. 

And then bring it back up you've cycled the battery now if you're only draining the battery 20% and bringing it back up that's not a full cycle that's only about 1/5 of a cycle or 20% of a full cycle so those don't count as full cycle the math is a little bit fuzzy depending on who you ask. 

But it's basically  if you drain it down 50% charge it drain it again 50% now that you've got a full cycle now, the number one thing  that affects iPhones over time is heat so if you're an environment, where it's constantly  around  100 degrees. 

Fahrenheit that's going to be more of a factor in degrading the battery than charging it, so if you're going to drain that battery down and charge it that's okay, but if you're in a hundred degree heat it's it's going to degrade the actual chemical physical ability for that battery. 

To maintain its charge over time so I wanted to show you my examples of 100% here on the iPhone  after one year of use I've got 90 percent or 97 percent left and then on the iPhone 6s plus after a few years of use it's at 86 percent so these are all doing really. 

After  that amount of time now this meter is here to tell you whether or not your battery can maintain its peak performance over time and supply all the voltage needed if it's bad it will come up and tell you that it's bad. 

So let me show you what I do to maintain it and this is where it gets a little controversial because some people don't like this but in a battery of this size we're not talking about a battery for a vehicle like a Tesla this is a battery that's small and really the best thing to do I've found is charge it overnight. 

Now people are gonna say don't do to that and here's let me explain that a little bit and there's this is what a lot people say this is the charger I use  a wireless charger, I set it here overnight and let it charge once it hits 100% Apple actually cuts the voltage  they regulate the voltage coming into the phone they'll pull back  the voltage and just trickle charge it to keep it at 100% much like you a battery tender on a car for recreational vehicle or whatever you're using same idea. 

So a trickle charges that keeps it up there and many experts I'd say most of them that I've found say that it's far better to leave it like that than it is to actually drain it down to say 70 or 80 percent in charge of backup over and over. 

The other thing I do is while I'm driving throughout the day this will be plugged in and I'll be using apple CarPlay now you don't have to use apple CarPlay you could plug it. 

In while you're driving that will charge the battery it's much better to change the battery in small increments throughout the day than it is to let it drain all the way down and charge it back up. 

So that's really all I'm doing is I'm leaving it on a charger overnight it's not a fast charger and I wouldn't recommend using a fast charger regularly , the iPad charger is an excellent charger to use regularly and that's what I used for years until the wireless charger. 

IPad charger

Actually came to market so before iPhones had that ability I use the iPad charger that's not really a fast charger it's just a little bit faster charger a true fit charger will push a lot more power into this like you see on other Android phones you can use a MacBook charger to charge this more quickly but it's still not on the same level as some of the other phones so I would recommend using an iPad charger if you want a little quicker charge or the original one included. 

So that's why my battery health is so good I know a lot of people are going to say don't charge it overnight only charge  only charge it to 80% and most people I've heard talk about this or read about have said it's far too much of a pain to do that an iPhone and you don't need to because the size of the battery it doesn't matter anyway if you're using a car like a Tesla with a huge battery it's much better to keep it between 40 and 80 percent overtime. 

So that you maintain it over that length of time but with a phone you're getting rid of it in a year or two and then it's getting refurbished or you're selling it off and that person can replace the battery fairly inexpensively. 

But still after years I'm only down to 86% on the 6s plus so it really just depends on what you do fully cycling that battery over and over is far worse just plug it in, use it and enjoy it.  

You'll maintain that battery health just like I do. 

Let me know what you think though in the comments. 

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