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University of Toronto scholarships for international students 2024, Apply here.


University of Toronto scholarships for international students

About the Scholarship

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world’s best universities in one of the world’s most multicultural cities. The scholarship program is intended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity and who are recognized as leaders within their school. A special emphasis is placed on the impact the student has had on the life of their school and community, and their future potential to contribute positively to the global community.

Awarded annually, these scholarships recognize outstanding students from around the world, including international students studying at Canadian high schools. This is U of T’s most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students. The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships will cover tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years. The scholarship is tenable only at the University of Toronto for first-entry, undergraduate programs. Each year approximately 37 students will be named Lester B. Pearson Scholars.


The University of Toronto has been alerted to fraudulent emails that offer to assist students with applications to our Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship program. Please exercise caution when researching scholarship opportunities and assessing communications about our programs. The University of Toronto does not work with recruitment agents or agencies. Students interested in applying for a Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship should follow the instructions on this website and submit their applications directly to the University.

Pearson Scholars are students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and creativity, who are accepted as leaders within their school, and who have the potential to contribute to the global community in the future. They can be distinguished from other students who may have equally high academic results by virtue of their breadth of interest, intellectual energy and impact on the life of their school and community.


To be eligible to apply to the Pearson International Scholarship, you must be:

> An international student (i.e. a non-Canadian requiring a study permit);

> Currently in your final year of secondary school or have graduated no earlier than June 2023

> Beginning your studies at the University of Toronto in September 2024 (students already attending post-secondary studies cannot be considered; students starting their studies in January 2024 at another post-secondary institution cannot be considered).

Application Process

The 2024 Competition opens in September 2023. To apply, you will need to:

> Receive a nomination from your school. High schools not already contacted/verified are asked to submit an application to participate in our program, available in September. High schools who have participated in a previous year will receive their nomination access starting in early September.


> Apply to study at the University of Toronto HERE to begin your studies in September 2024 and complete your application for admission by the appropriate deadlines ( Before November 30 ) Please be advised that you will be considered for the Pearson Scholarship for your first choice of program at University of Toronto, You may apply for several programs and may receive admission to them all; however, the Pearson Scholarship, if awarded to you, would be restricted to your first choice of program at University of Toronto at the time our scholarship decisions are made.

> Once we’ve received a nomination and you’ve applied to the university, you can complete the online Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application.  You will receive a private link to the scholarship application when you are successfully nominated by your school.

Pearson Scholarship Deadlines

> School nomination deadline: November 30, 2023

> Student OUAC admission application deadline: December 15, 2023 (Please note this is the final date to submit an application to the OUAC; although you can apply up to December 15 2023, it is recommended you apply for admission through the OUAC as soon as possible. The recommended date to apply for admission is before November 7, 2023 as spaces in programs fill-up quickly and popular programs may close early.)

> Student scholarship application deadline: January 15, 2024

Fraud Notice

Please note the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto does not interact with agencies or educational “agents” in order to recruit students or offer scholarships.  Please be cautioned against any agents providing false acceptances or requiring fees for unaffiliated third parties.  Pearson Scholarship recipients can only be nominated by their current secondary school through our online process and the scholarship is available only to undergraduate degree applicants.  If you have any questions, please contact us at

Privacy Notice

For donor-funded awards, University advancement may share the names, programs and year of study of award recipients with donors. If you have any questions about the University advancement’s collection or use of your personal information, please contact the University’s Stewardship Programs and Services Officer at

Resources for Guidance Counsellors & Headmasters

We value our relationships with guidance counsellors and headmasters from around the world. We’ve prepared resources and answers to commonly asked questions about the Pearson Scholarships to help you advise your students.

How do I nominate a student?

High schools already verified by Enrolment Services will be contacted annually by email with a personalized, secure nomination form starting each September.  If your school has not been verified, please submit an application to participate in our program, available here beginning in September.  Once your school is verified, we will provide you with your school’s nomination form and next steps.

When can I nominate student?

Nominations will be accepted beginning in September.  This year’s deadline to nominate a Pearson Scholar is November 30th, 2023.

Can I nominate more than one student?

Schools can nominate one student per year. The Pearson Scholarship is designed to recognize outstanding students from around the globe.  Part of the selection process involves your school choosing your top candidate for nomination. We encourage schools to nominate the student that best exemplifies the qualities of a Pearson Scholar.

When will my student nominee receive a decision?

Pearson Scholarship recipients will be notified by the end of April 2024.

Can I nominate a student even if they haven’t applied to University of Toronto?

Yes, you can nominate a student who has not yet applied for admission to U of T. However, in order to submit the scholarship application, students must apply for admission to U of T.

I have more questions—whom can I contact?

Please direct all your enquiries to


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