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Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

 Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

Top ten best selling video games of all time

Today we'll be counting down our picks for the 10 best selling video games of all time for this list we'll be going over the highest selling video games ever made to be clear multiple version releases of the same game are counted for each entry. 

If there's a blockbuster game with big numbers that we forgot tell us your opinions down below in comment section.


Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

I was thinking yeah does it pay well yeah it says a lot about the kind of numbers we're dealing with when a blockbuster hit like red dead 2 only barely makes our list this highly anticipated western open world game had so much hype around. 

It that it had the second fastest selling launch in the history of entertainment we'll get the first later but it wasn't just its opening numbers that were good red dead redemption 2 maintained its ability to sell well having sold a total of around 43 million copies to date that's quite the score for Arthur. 

And the gang and for players as well who have enjoyed this rich rewarding western story they expressly told me not to kill you oh this is about you. 

9. WII FIT (2008) & WII FIT PLUS (2009)

Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

Wii fit and Wii fit plus stand straight and try to keep your bottom tucked in you weren't expecting this were you exercise equipment is big business and an exercise video game for the wii one of the best selling video game systems. 

Was bound to do well with wii fit and its slightly enhanced version wii fit plus players are taken through various aerobic and yoga exercises, using the wii balance board and an easy to use interface this made it popular not only with individual consumers. 

But also with gyms and other fitness centres around the combined wii fit and wii fit plus sold 43.8 million units and they say gamers don't exercise try to keep your centre of balance within the yellow area. 


Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

Shockingly there are Pokemon games on our list, released in various colours with slight differences in the last years of the 20th century the first generation of Pokemon games took the world by storm it may seem old hat by now. 

But collecting all the adorable or awesome pocket monsters and trading or battling them with or without your friends was a total game changer in addition to the massive franchise that sprung up around them. Pokemon titles sold out 47.5 million copies while game freak and Nintendo didn't manage to catch us all they did catch a lot of us and we caught the Pokemon bug. 

7: MARIO KART 8 (2014) & MARIO KART 8 DELUXE (2017)

Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

First released on the Wii U u and then ported to an enhanced version Mario kart 8 deluxe on the switch, Running with its gorgeous graphics orchestral soundtrack numerous racers online multiplayer, with tracks from past entries in the series Mario kart 8 is the ultimate in party racing games. 

No wonder it has sold 51 million copies and counting Nintendo will have a tough time improving on both its great content and on its spectacular. 


Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

Super Mario Bros may still be one of the biggest names in video games if not the biggest but one of his first games is still his best selling super Mario bros in addition to revolutionising 2d platforming and being many kids first exposure to video gaming is often praised with helping save the video game industry after its 1983 crash.

 It's sales were certainly helped by the fact that many new units were sold with super Mario bros packaged along with them. 

That plus it's numerous re-leases have helped this genre-defining platform sell around 58 million copies that's lot of coins. 


Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

While the model for battle Royale games has shifted to free to play player unknown's battleground success is far from unknown pugb may no longer be the biggest name in battle Royale games but because its biggest competitor has always been free it remains the best selling 75 million copies have been sold thus far with its free mobile version exceeding  a billion downloads pub's cutthroat addicting gameplay pits players against each other in an ever-shrinking map with the goal to be the only player remaining it's a fun concept. 

One which players were eager to play ti experience. 

4: WII SPORTS (2006)

Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

The wii was a definite game changer when it came out the system illustrated that motion controls were not only viable but fun for anyone to pick up and play with wii sports is essential proof of concept allowing player to play a variety of sports games virtually and from their homes it's the wii game that nearly everyone played mostly because it came packaged with the wii sure.

It's great 'game but when but when practically every week comes with it it's hardly surprising that wii sports hit a home run with over 82 million copies sold. 


Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

Now one of the most highly anticipated releases of any piece of content GTA 5 broke all kinds of records making a billion dollars in three days. 

Remember how we said we'd talk about the fastest selling launch yeah this was it the game didn't just sell quickly it sold like gangbusters it sold 160 million copies that's almost twice the last entry, GTA 5, is an open world game. 

So massive and definitive it still doesn't have a sequel almost a decade.

2: MINECRAFT (2011)

Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

It was only a matter of time Minecraft is a juggernaut of video games the ultimate sandbox game Minecraft lets you make and do almost anything not only can you construct buildings and other creations galore. 

But there are also plenty of games within the game it's essentially an unlimited game of virtual building blocks but with more structured challenges too it's become a cultural phenomenon so the only surprising this is that it hasn't sold more even so 238 minion copies is nothing to sneeze at if we'd restricted our entire to single games with no variance Minecraft could very well. 


Top 10 most sold video games of all time, Highest grossing video games.

Simplicity often goes hand in hand with success and few games are as basic as tetras arranging various blocks to form lines as an increasing rate is so simple yet. 

So addictive if it isn't the most widely played puzzle game it's certainly the best selling Tetris has been remade and ported to dozens of consoles for nearly 40 years usually with few if any changes to its core gameplay because it's so widespread it has managed to sell at least 425 million copies until someone devises a better puzzle game or another existing game catches up. 

How any game can stack up to Tetris. 

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